Tuesday, August 26, 2014

China new home buyers protest against cut in price after they have bought the home

When you buy any house/apartment in any location, if the market price of the said house/apartment fall within days, can you do anything about it or can you complain against the person/group who sold you the house/apartment?

Some homebuyers want to block an expressway in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, on the evening of May 4. About 400 homeowners broke into the sales office of property company Baoyi Real Assets and smashed it up as developers slashed home prices without compensating earlier buyers
src: chinadaily.com.cn

In China, we are seeing reports of protest against the actions of property developer there who drop price by as much as 25% within 5 days of many home buyers having purchased the house/apartment from them, well the property developer are doing it in order to spur sales of remaining units.

If property prices can go up, it can also go down. One can imagine the mayhem, it will cause if China property market were to spiral out of control and crash, however it is unlikely as the Government keep a close control over the property prices in recent years for fear of a hard landing for the housing market and the economy in general. It is time for the Govt concerned to educate people about the risk of such property investment, nothing goes up forever, it has to come down sooner or later.

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