Monday, October 13, 2014

HK police took down barricades to clear road

I have a feeling that the pro-democracy supporters who considered the fight for freedom of choice to be in HK welfare actually seemed to be being undemocratic in their demands. That's the irony of it all. CNN reported that Hong Kong police have taken steps to cut ties used to bind together metal fences, signs, wooden pallets and recycling boxes which the protesters had assembled to block traffic through Admiralty, a main thoroughfare in Hong Kong. There were no reported resistance to the police action. Protestors are free to protest but they shouldn't block the main road to disrupt other people's lives, Don't they know that what they are doing are just the opposite of what they are trying to achieve? If it is indeed for the good of the Hong Kong people then why bring them down to achieve your demands?

For more photos, check out CNN post.

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